Below are some quotes randomly selected from our database.
#1307 (0)
Posted by Magnus @ 2009-04-13 03:45:28
[23:40] <Nottheking> Speaking of which, it's been what, almost an hour and you've not DC'd? Must be anew record. :P
[23:40] ->> Connection closed from

If there was a second metre, it'd be like 23:40:010 to 23:40:012. Damn he jinxed me.
#414 (0)
Posted by Olli @ 2005-01-09 21:19:02
<cab86> i just noticed that 1 out of ever 3 quotes in QuoteSpike has togy involved in them, one reason or a nother
* cab86 sets mode: +vvvvvvvv [BRC]Bracchus Archy` Brik coco Coma Crystal Dauthi DeathAngel
<Crystal> he's a very popular cow
#501 (0)
Posted by Alexx @ 2005-03-25 08:17:35
* Togy has joined #chatting_naked
<Lowlife> hi togy
* Alexx pokes togy
* Lowlife pokes Alexx
<Togy> moo
* Lowlife milks togy
<Togy> eek
<Lowlife> well, you said moo, implying that you are a cow, and everyone knows cows need to be relieved of their milk or they will rupture their
<Lowlife> uhm
<Lowlife> boozem
<Lowlife> :p
<Alexx> funny...those cows in the fields with no farmers to milk them seem to be doing quite well without being milked..
<Lowlife> well, that's cause of the milk production being kept active by withdrawing milk
<Lowlife> also, normally, when animals are producing milk, they can not be furtilized
<Lowlife> that's like that with humans too
<Lowlife> and in nature, once the calf stops drinking the milk
<Lowlife> the production stops
<Alexx> you have the discovery channel dont you
#550 (3)
Posted by Ib @ 2005-05-09 09:46:32
<Rigo> im quite taken aback I assure you, I still think you live in Great Brittian and are just pretending to live in the wilds of norway
<Ib3N> lol
<Rigo> since im more or less certain norway doesnt have electricity, let alone computers
<Ib3N> "wilds of norway"
<Ib3N> hahaha
<Gatzby> not until we liberate you anyway
<Ib3N> LOL
<Rigo> we will come civilize you one day
<Gatzby> but then we'll bring god, justice, liberty, freedom, and grenades
<Gatzby> lots and lots of grenades
<Gatzby> and god
<Rigo> and pr0n!
<Gatzby> because you're all heathen bastards worshipping norse gods
<Rigo> exactly
#346 (0)
Posted by cocolmao @ 2004-12-02 05:07:05
[23:03] <Smithy> Will in a sex, checking email.
[23:03] <Smithy> ..sec.
[23:03] <Smithy> -_-
[23:04] <LouWeeJee> ...both are good
#1600 (2)
Posted by Pigyman @ 2011-05-04 00:13:37
[19:11:05] * Zivoid ([email protected]) has joined #nyanya
[19:11:13] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Zivoid
[19:11:22] <Pigyman> ZIVOID
[19:11:23] <Pigyman> FINALLY
[19:11:24] <Ice> ZIVOID
[19:11:26] <Ice> HOLY SHIT
[19:11:27] <Ice> WE LOVE YOU
[19:11:31] <Ice> ...
[19:11:35] <Pigyman> ...
[19:11:37] <Barbaloot> wut
[19:11:37] <SilverHunter35> ...
[19:11:45] <Pigyman> er
#902 (4)
Posted by Odin @ 2006-08-20 06:57:43
<+Majic> That's the same thing that happens when me sleep together.
<+Majic> It's so short...
<+Majic> 0.o
<+Majic> we*
<+Majic> I hate me now.
<+Majic> Most of the things that come out of my mouth are unknown to me.
<%Odin> lol
<+Majic> 0.o
<+tomandy> like all the pubic hair!
<+Majic> Oh god, I've got to get out of this channel.
* +Majic has left #chatspike (*PART!*)
#169 (1)
Posted by Brain @ 2004-10-31 19:00:27
* BlackTiger is now known as BT_naked
* BT_naked hugs [Brain] :P
<Pinky> rut roh George
<[Brain]> rut roh!
* BT_naked runs away
* Archy` chases with a pair of tweasers and a George Foreman grill
#1664 (1)
Posted by Iain @ 2011-12-19 22:58:10
(@FrostyCoolSlug) working late, not on actual work ;)
(+[BRC]treesa) oh you won't be paid for it?
(@FrostyCoolSlug) yep :D
(@FrostyCoolSlug) no one is here :)
(+[BRC]treesa) hehehe
(+[BRC]treesa) good time to have a fiddle of your own things..

#darkgalaxy ... still dirty as ever
#456 (15)
Posted by w00t @ 2005-02-14 14:22:55
[01:21:34] <@Craig> next person who says happy valentines to me gets a complementory akill of love *COUGHS*
[01:22:00] * @Craig has quit IRC (Killed (Beer (Happy valentines day :D)))
[01:22:42] * @Beer has quit IRC (Killed (Azhrarn (Get a room lovebirds)))
[01:22:46] * @Craig has quit IRC (Killed (Azhrarn (Get a room lovebirds)))
[01:23:20] * @Beer has quit IRC (User has been banned from ChatSpike (You are banned from this network (SAME TO YOU! (10second akill))))
[01:24:55] * @Azhrarn has quit IRC (Killed (Craig (as for you.. well.. ;))))
[01:24:23] -Global- From Ib3N: Everyone wish Craig happy valentine :)
[01:25:26] * @Ib3N slips undetected
[01:25:41] * @Ib3N has quit IRC (Killed (Beer (hope your hand loves you enough today :D)))
[01:26:03] * @Ib3N has quit IRC (Killed (Craig (was wondering why everyone was PMing me ;/)))
[01:26:13] * @Beer has quit IRC (Killed (Azhrarn (<3)))
[01:26:17] * @Craig has quit IRC (Killed (Azhrarn (<3)))
[01:26:22] * @dotcomguy has quit IRC (Killed (Azhrarn (<3)))
[01:26:27] * @Dune has quit IRC ([] Local kill by Azhrarn (<3))
[01:26:30] * @Hart has quit IRC (Killed (Azhrarn (<3)))
[01:26:31] * @Craig has quit IRC (Killed (Ib3N (YAY!)))
[01:26:33] * @Ib has quit IRC (Killed (Azhrarn (<3)))
[01:26:42] * @Jazza has quit IRC (Killed (Azhrarn (<3)))
[01:26:48] * @typobox43 has quit IRC (Killed (Azhrarn (<3)))
[01:26:55] * @Azhrarn has quit IRC (Killed (Ib3N (woot woot!)))
[01:26:59] -Global- From Craig: Next person to wish me happy vallentines, gets a complementory 24hr akill
[01:27:19] -Global- From Craig: If i can stay here long enough concidering the MASSIVE oper war in #chatspike ;/
[01:27:50] * @Beer has quit IRC (Killed (Craig (DIE!)))
[01:27:53] * @Craig has quit IRC (Killed (Ib3N (die!)))
[01:27:54] * @Hart has quit IRC (Killed (Ib3N (die!)))
[01:27:54] * @Jazza has quit IRC (Killed (Ib3N (die!)))
[01:27:54] * @kujoe2 has quit IRC ([] Local kill by Ib3N (die!))
[01:27:54] * @LaptopBrain has quit IRC (Killed (Ib3N (die!)))
[01:27:54] * @LaptopHart has quit IRC (Killed (Ib3N (die!)))
[01:27:54] * @typobox43 has quit IRC (Killed (Ib3N (die!)))
[01:28:08] <%Cadavre> ib3n wins
[01:28:24] * @Ib3N has quit IRC (Killed (Craig (you too)))
[01:28:27] * @Craig has quit IRC (Killed (Beer (die die darlyer)))
[01:28:53] * @Beer has quit IRC (Killed (Craig (love you too :/)))
[01:29:16] * @Craig has quit IRC (Killed (Azhrarn (VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE!)))
[01:29:20] * @Ib has quit IRC (Killed (Azhrarn (VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE!)))
[01:29:35] * @Azhrarn has quit IRC (Killed (Ib3N (RAR! killing my alter ego eh?! )))
[01:29:59] * @Ib3N has quit IRC (Killed (Craig (LAG IS KILLING ME HERE!)))
[01:30:20] * @Craig has quit IRC (Killed (Ib3N (GO LAG :D)))
[01:30:33] * @Ib3N has quit IRC (Killed (Azhrarn (VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE!)))
[01:30:41] * @Azhrarn has quit IRC (Killed (Craig (GOTCHA)))
[01:31:03] * @Ib3N has quit IRC (Killed (Jazza (;P)))
[01:31:12] * @Jazza has quit IRC (Killed (Craig (HAPPY V.DAY! :D)))
[01:31:33] * @Jazza has quit IRC (Killed (Ib3N (welcome to teh massacre)))
[01:32:03] * Cung_le has quit IRC (Killed (Azhrarn (VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE!)))