Below are all the quotes submitted to the website.
#231 (-1)
Posted by Brain @ 2004-10-31 19:17:44
[22:45] <ol> I'm sure we can find something better to stick in your mouth...

#232 (1)
Posted by Olli @ 2005-03-05 12:43:33
<Brain> you ever noticed how nearly all of the 'monster' stories involve 'spreading an infection'?
<SirOlli> yes, but I never cared
<Brain> like... zombies, you get bitten, you become one.... vampires, you get bitten, you become one...
<Brain> common pattern?
<Brain> :p
<VampireBrik> nope
<VampireBrik> :p
<SirOlli> werewolves
<Brain> warez wolves?
<SirOlli> even australians
<SirOlli> strange
<Brain> haha australians
<Brain> yeah
<Brain> they're dangerous :(
<SirOlli> yup
<VampireBrik> :o
<SirOlli> you get bitten...
<SirOlli> and so on
<SirOlli> ^^
<Brain> its like warewolves.... but they're triggered by XXXX instead of the full moon :/
<SirOlli> lol
<Brain> one can of castlemaine is all it takes and you have a whole room full of aussies on your hands :/
* Australian has joined #chatspike
* Australian bites SirOlli
* Australian has quit IRC ([CS] Quit: Is it july yet?)
<SirOlli> urgh
<SirOlli> argh
<SirOlli> G'd day, mates :)
<Brain> NOOOOO! :(
#233 (0)
Posted by Brain @ 2004-10-31 19:17:53
<+Herbstwind> "hello, my name is maria, im 13 and from belgium. i have a problem, i'm still a virign, now i wanted to ask, do you think my dad is gay?"
#234 (2)
Posted by Brain @ 2004-10-31 19:18:07
[20:42] <ZaC_SoLiT> !list
[20:44] <ZaC_SoLiT> !op
[20:45] <ol> !dream
[20:45] <ol> !on
[20:45] <ZaC_SoLiT> !dream
[20:45] <ZaC_SoLiT> !on
[20:46] <ZaC_SoLiT> !help
[20:46] <ol> !ask a question
[20:46] <ZaC_SoLiT> !ask op
[20:49] <ZaC_SoLiT> !ask command
[20:49] <Elyas> !fuck you
#235 (1)
Posted by Brain @ 2004-10-31 19:18:18
<Split> i painted the curb first, then got on the building
<Mobkey> ...sure you did
* Mobkey eyes Split skeptically
* Mobkey eyes Split with moderate interest
* Split winks
* Mobkey waltzes around the room with Split
#236 (0)
Posted by Brain @ 2004-10-31 19:18:27
* Herbstwind feels surrounded by geeks
* Jango hugs ur not :p
<Jango> *now
* Jango was kicked by typobox43 (We have to purify the race...)
#237 (0)
Posted by Brain @ 2004-10-31 19:18:41
<Kreskin> hows the engaded life
<Gav> same as the unengaged life but with the addition of wedding mags
<Kreskin> women mostly do that anywazs though
<Suurorca> :P
<Gav> i made a desicion
<Gav> being male, i should not have anything to do with the wedding plans but attend \o/
<Kreskin> exactly
<Gav> i hope that line works, something tells me it won't
<Kreskin> well you could always say, I think we shoudl go with the black best women dress and you will be out of decision making period
<Gav> lol
<Gav> sounds like a plan
<Kreskin> ;)
#238 (1)
Posted by Brain @ 2004-10-31 19:19:01
:55:20) (@Craig-Away) build a serialised array.. sounds good :D
(03:55:54) (@Archy`) That's the word I was looking for. I was thinking of quontom physical econmic array
(03:55:57) ! @Archy` slaps forehead
(03:56:21) (@Craig-Away) sarcasm doesnt really work with you m8
(03:56:32) (@Archy`) Especially when I can't spell :P
(03:57:06) (@Archy`) Hmmm
(03:57:12) (@Archy`) How about "Rounds played"
(03:57:35) (@Craig-Away) that will be calculated using rounds won :p
(03:57:39) (@Archy`) And to make it alot of work, you could include indiviual playere kills/deaths :P
(03:57:47) (@Craig-Away) thats overkill
(03:57:52) (@Craig-Away) cause someones gonna have to memorise it
(03:57:55) (@Craig-Away) and type it in :p
(03:58:06) (@Craig-Away) its doable thou
(03:58:06) (@Craig-Away) :D
(03:58:33) (@Craig-Away) build a serialised multi-dimentional array :p
(03:58:46) (@Archy`) I'll get right on it
(03:59:03) (@Archy`) But first, I've got to shit four-leafed clovers then milk my flying cow :P
#239 (0)
Posted by Brain @ 2004-10-31 19:19:14
[15:27:02] <InLove> honestly, all i do in the shower is get clean. :p
[15:27:06] <InLove> well
[15:27:13] <InLove> uh
[15:27:24] <InLove> anyways,
[15:27:33] * InLove lays still on the bed, trying to recover
[15:27:40] <Dauthi> Sure
[15:27:56] <Dauthi> showerhead on massage function ?:P
[15:28:06] <InLove> hahahahahaha
[15:28:11] <InLove> not this showerhead, it sucks. :p
[15:28:16] <Dauthi> lol
[15:28:28] <Hood> sucks ^_^
#240 (3)
Posted by Brain @ 2004-10-31 19:19:24
(02:48:07) (+Coma|BG) oi kev
(02:48:14) (+Coma|BG) thats disgusting
(02:48:53) (@Dr_Kev) its a mirror
(02:48:59) (@Dr_Kev) what do you find disgusting about it?
(02:48:59) (@Craig) nice lol
(02:49:06) (+Coma|BG) :P
(02:49:29) (@Dr_Kev) Kev: 1 | Coma: 0
(02:49:36) (+Mike) lmao