Below are all the quotes submitted to the website.
#681 (4)
Posted by Ib @ 2005-10-12 10:11:24
--> Brick ([email protected]) has joined #chatspike
<w00t> holy christ it starts getting hard
#682 (3)
Posted by Ib @ 2005-10-12 13:30:26
--- w00t is now known as Monica
<Monica> really i felt brain up every day in pm
<Monica> sorry, had to put it this way ;P
<Ib3N> --- w00t is now known as Monica
<Ib3N> <Monica> really i felt brain up every day in pm
<Ib3N> ^ perv.
<Monica> $@upuj-
* Monica sabers IB3N. with a ugly weebl dvd
--- Monica is now known as w00t
<Ib3N> lol
<sexy_geek> is your sirname lewinsky?
--- Magnus is now known as Magnus|GuildWars
<Craig> 'Today on ChatSpike it was discovered that one of their users spent year of his time feeling up a Network Administrator.. We attempted to contact Brain for an interview and he declined to comment.. We contacted Craig and got all the details we needed....'
<w00t> sexy_geek: that was the point
<Ib3N> rofl
<sexy_geek> lol
<Heutink> lol
#683 (-1)
Posted by Hmzaniac @ 2005-10-12 16:04:52
<Cow> *_*
<Cow> what happens when you blow inside a real doll? :S
<Alfred> they die? :/
<Cow> does it get all crusty
<Alfred> oh you mean that blow
<Cow> yea
<Alfred> i think you hafta tell em theyre a skanky hoe, and that they need a shower...
<Cow> nah serious
<Cow> do you stick a toilet brush up em?
<Cow> because i know for sure
<Cow> i would eat it out
#684 (-1)
Posted by Loki @ 2005-10-15 03:38:05
<Craig> wonder if i still have a screenie
<Craig> nothing up to date :(
<cab86> that's alright craig... lots of other geeks have nothing to date
#685 (0)
Posted by Jujimufu @ 2005-10-16 11:23:08
* Om sets mode +spam w00t
(w00t) :O .O. O:
(w00t) :o o:
(w00t) :O O:
(Om) :o o:
* w00t prods Om with a sharpened sp0rk
* w00t prods Blue-water with a sharpened sp0rk
* w00t prods Surfer with a sharpened sp0rk
* w00t prods Lolya with a sharpened sp0rk
* w00t stabs w00t with a random monkey
* w00t sabers w00t with a menacing set of AOL discs
* Om wallops w00t continuously with a wet and mouldy Emerald-spotted Wood Dove
* w00t obliterates w00t with a moronic PHPv2 script
* w00t kung-fu's w00t with a dessicated Windows ME user guide
* Om baseball-bats w00t a few times with a slimy Common Zebra
* Om murders w00t many times against a bloody, disgusting Brown Surgeonfish
#686 (-1)
Posted by Surfer @ 2005-10-16 14:47:37
[10:58:29] [+jujimufu] my pc is being fucking slooooooooooooooooooow
[11:01:24] [+jujimufu] actually
[11:01:24] [+jujimufu] only my internet connection is being slow
[11:01:24] [+jujimufu] hm...
[11:01:25] [+jujimufu] maybe it';s the 56/6kbps modem that's doing it.
[11:01:25] [+jujimufu] damn, I have to get adsl soon
[11:01:25] [+jujimufu] soOn
[11:01:25] [+jujimufu] s00n
[11:01:25] [+jujimufu] SOON!
[11:01:25] [+jujimufu] SON!
[11:01:26] [+jujimufu] oh
[11:01:31] [+jujimufu] where's my son?
[11:01:44] [+jujimufu] son?
[11:02:30] +jujimufu looks aroun
[11:02:30] [+jujimufu] d
[11:03:18] [@Om] ...
#687 (1)
Posted by ol @ 2005-10-16 22:12:22
<Archy`> Erm...No lights on my modem
<-- Archy` has quit (Connection reset by peer)
#688 (-1)
Posted by w00t @ 2005-10-19 00:44:17
[09:41:39] <Tiger> put ur damn car in ur ass:D
[09:42:07] <w00t_> lol go Tiger :p
[09:42:25] <Tiger> LOL
[09:42:36] <Tiger> not w00t agan..
[09:42:38] <Ripeece> lol
[09:42:41] <w00t_> yes, w00t again *G*
[09:43:03] <w00t_> nice to see i'm getting a reputation already :p

#689 (1)
Posted by Om @ 2005-10-19 12:10:37
(%crono) sexy_geek: with great powers come great responsibility
(+sexy_geek) haha
(+sexy_geek) you watched too much spiderman
(+sexy_geek) nice quote tho
(%crono) sexy_geek: no i did not, i played too much with sudo(8)
(@w00t) hahahahahaha
(@w00t) crono: that just got me to laugh
(@Om) hahaha
(@w00t) there are few people who can do that :D
#690 (1)
Posted by Samas @ 2005-10-19 19:15:14
* Samas would appreciate +a
<Samas> :P
* Brain gives channel half-operator status to Samas
<Samas> :|
<Brain> there
* Om gives voice to Samas
<Samas> ;_;
<Brain> lol
<`Boo> hehehe