Below are all the quotes submitted to the website.
#711 (1)
Posted by Damien @ 2005-12-19 09:04:34
[19:00] * w00t[afk] dies
[19:01] <Dr_Kev> omg
[19:02] <Dr_Kev> I was about to say:
[19:02] * Dr_Kev undies w00t
[19:02] <Dr_Kev> then realised what it actually said heh
[19:02] <w00t[afk]> hah
[19:02] <w00t[afk]> being australian owns
#712 (1)
Posted by Beer @ 2005-12-23 09:30:47
<w00t> "DAMN, I got a hardon looking at so many opers.!"
<w00t> ...ok, fuck
<w00t> quote that and die
<w00t> SHITNkn'[n.
--- w00t is now known as w00t[AFK]
<AttackOfTheCold> lol
<Beer> lmao
* w00t[AFK] gives up <:(

Ok I guess i'm dead then
#713 (-1)
Posted by Olli @ 2005-12-25 21:55:13
<Ollike> I got a date tomorrow *blush*
<HighWater> omg, you finally admitted to being ghey? :o
<Ollike> it's with a very nice girl ;p
<Brik> lol
<HighWater> is she cute?
<Ollike> hm
<Ollike> hell yeah ;)
<HighWater> pictures?
<Brik> maybe he got some after tomorrow :p
<Ollike> ^^
<Ollike> remind me
<Brik> will do
<HighWater> nekkid pics, mkay!
<Ollike> I'll tell her the dutchie told me to
<Brik> in bikini for me then
<HighWater> no... no... don't... she'll know it was me :(
#714 (-13)
Posted by Assassin @ 2005-12-25 23:34:57
<LaptopBrain> boo booo booo
<LaptopBrain> boo boo
<LaptopBrain> sex sex
<`Boo> oi
<`Boo> hehehe
<`Boo> stop
<w00t> o.O
<Sassy> lmao
<LaptopBrain> hehehe
<LaptopBrain> sex sex sex
* LaptopBrain giggles
* `Boo spanks brain

Brain get's served :)
#715 (7)
Posted by w00t @ 2005-12-26 17:18:14
<Brik> it wont fit, erm ><
<w00t> we'll make it fit :p
<w00t> spank me for that, it was naughty :p
<Brik> not in the wrong hole we wont
<Brik> ehm
#716 (3)
Posted by Brik @ 2005-12-31 22:30:44
<w00t> I just got some random phonecall from someone with an accent i couldn't undersstand
<w00t> O.O
<w00t> oh, Brik, that was you?
<w00t> rofl..

#717 (0)
Posted by Alexx @ 2006-01-03 02:51:13
<Alexx> I
<Alexx> Wanna fuck a dog in the ass
<HighWater> Blink182?
<Alexx> a general desire..
#718 (1)
Posted by Foxhill @ 2006-04-09 23:05:09
<+Efreak> HELLO!
#719 (0)
Posted by Damien @ 2006-01-15 08:59:57
[18:55] * [GISP]The_Box licks [BRC]treesa.. yummy :9
[18:55] * [GISP]The_Box licks Darkest_Queen.. yummy :9
[18:56] <[GalGen]Damien> if your licking the females of the channel dont forget to lick Craig
[18:57] <Craig> [08:49] * [GISP]The_Box licks Craig.. yummy :9
[18:57] <Craig> already done ;)
#720 (-1)
Posted by Surfer @ 2006-01-03 18:58:22
[18:49:04] [%MacOmni] If OS X were a car, it would have some shiny, fancy, neon-lit gear sequence, like one of those coin flatteners you see at museums, to start the engine. And to shift gears, you'd need to pet the rainbow-coloured teddy bear five times, in the right place.