Below is a specifically selected quote.
21:24:40 [+Higurashi] Well fudge.
21:24:47 [+Higurashi] Aight, to explain the Saint role..
21:25:06 [+Higurashi] The one who accuses me, and gets me lynched, will die.
21:25:08 [+Higurashi] Automagically.
21:25:15 [+Higurashi] I can't stop it, as far as I know.
21:25:59 [+Nucleon] wolfbot: lynch Higurashi
21:25:59 [@wolfbot] Nucleon has voted to lynch Higurashi!
21:26:08 [+Neosage] wolfbot: lynch Higurashi
21:26:08 [@wolfbot] Neosage has voted to lynch Higurashi!
21:26:30 [+ol] wolfbot: lynch higurashi
21:26:30 wolfbot sets mode [-v Higurashi]
21:26:30 wolfbot sets mode [-v ol]
21:26:30 wolfbot sets mode [-v Nucleon]
21:26:30 wolfbot sets mode [-v Neosage]
21:26:30 [@wolfbot] ol has voted to lynch Higurashi!
21:26:31 [@wolfbot] The majority has voted to lynch Higurashi!! Mob violence ensues. This player is now DEAD.
21:26:31 [@wolfbot] *** Examining the body, you notice that this player was the village harlot!
21:26:33 [@wolfbot] The following players are still alive: ol, Neosage, Nucleon
21:26:34 [@wolfbot] The following players are dead : Tril, Higurashi
21:26:35 [@wolfbot] Darkness falls: it is NIGHT. The whole village sleeps peacefully... Everyone relax and wait for morning... I'll tell you when night is over.
21:26:48 [Hisakata] You whore.
21:24:47 [+Higurashi] Aight, to explain the Saint role..
21:25:06 [+Higurashi] The one who accuses me, and gets me lynched, will die.
21:25:08 [+Higurashi] Automagically.
21:25:15 [+Higurashi] I can't stop it, as far as I know.
21:25:59 [+Nucleon] wolfbot: lynch Higurashi
21:25:59 [@wolfbot] Nucleon has voted to lynch Higurashi!
21:26:08 [+Neosage] wolfbot: lynch Higurashi
21:26:08 [@wolfbot] Neosage has voted to lynch Higurashi!
21:26:30 [+ol] wolfbot: lynch higurashi
21:26:30 wolfbot sets mode [-v Higurashi]
21:26:30 wolfbot sets mode [-v ol]
21:26:30 wolfbot sets mode [-v Nucleon]
21:26:30 wolfbot sets mode [-v Neosage]
21:26:30 [@wolfbot] ol has voted to lynch Higurashi!
21:26:31 [@wolfbot] The majority has voted to lynch Higurashi!! Mob violence ensues. This player is now DEAD.
21:26:31 [@wolfbot] *** Examining the body, you notice that this player was the village harlot!
21:26:33 [@wolfbot] The following players are still alive: ol, Neosage, Nucleon
21:26:34 [@wolfbot] The following players are dead : Tril, Higurashi
21:26:35 [@wolfbot] Darkness falls: it is NIGHT. The whole village sleeps peacefully... Everyone relax and wait for morning... I'll tell you when night is over.
21:26:48 [Hisakata] You whore.