Below is a specifically selected quote.
#390 (4)
Posted by Brain @ 2005-01-03 04:11:16
[22:03] --> Joins: fazil ([email protected])
[22:03] --- Mode: RefereeBot [#defender +v fazil]
[22:03] <fazil> need help
[22:03] <ol> you need to go on to your shell with a proper text editor and remove the windows line endings
[22:05] <fazil> from defender.conf?
[22:05] <ol> yeah
[22:18] <fazil> yup
[22:18] <fazil> tnx
[22:18] <fazil> worked
[22:18] <ol> np
[22:40] <-- Quits: ol ([email protected]) ([CS] Quit: Leaving)
[22:47] <-- Quits: fazil ([email protected]) ([CS] Quit: )

#defender. Where the opers are psychic.