Below is a specifically selected quote.
* dotcomguy ([email protected]) has joined #chatspike
* dotcomguy has quit (User has been banned from ChatSpike (You have an open proxy, dotcomguy (OPM). Please visit Hidden) for more information.))
<Mech> ROFL
<Mech> I wonder if that was the real dotcomguy...:D
<Pitfan> I hope so, it's much more funny that way
<Dave> i think that's him
<typobox43> yeah, that was him. ;)
Not even IRCops are above the scan.
* dotcomguy has quit (User has been banned from ChatSpike (You have an open proxy, dotcomguy (OPM). Please visit Hidden) for more information.))
<Mech> ROFL
<Mech> I wonder if that was the real dotcomguy...:D
<Pitfan> I hope so, it's much more funny that way
<Dave> i think that's him
<typobox43> yeah, that was him. ;)
Not even IRCops are above the scan.