Below is a specifically selected quote.
#539 (3)
Posted by Beer @ 2005-12-23 09:23:12
<Beer> I've seen people join with worse things said after.
<w00t> indeed, like me yelling out something about my penis. think i remember that happening once..
<AttackOfTheCold> wha how small it is ?
<AttackOfTheCold> that teh thing you yelled out ?
<[BRC]Mantis> that would be quite a boast :/
<w00t> AttackOfTheCold, it's not that small :/
<AttackOfTheCold> lmao
<w00t> wait.
<Beer> but it's small though? ;p
<w00t> i'm justifying my penis size in #chatspike
<w00t> WTF.
<[BRC]Mantis> w00t always used those pills he orders from his junk mail
* w00t shuts up.
<AttackOfTheCold> lmao
<cheeky_chick> lol
<w00t> I don't need to do this, except in PM
<w00t> :p

shortly after...

<AttackOfTheCold> w00t stop wanking... and get with the program
<cheeky_chick> lol
<w00t> I'm not wanking, I'm programming :p
<AttackOfTheCold> lol
<w00t> there's a slight but subtle difference!
<cheeky_chick> lmao
<w00t> one involves playing with your penis, the other involves playing with your ego :p
<AttackOfTheCold> o.0
<Beer> isn't that the same for some people w00t? ;p
<AttackOfTheCold> w00t program me up ah hack0r for
<w00t> AttackOfTheCold, working on inspircd at the moment
<w00t> Beer, :P
<[BRC]Mantis> ah blimey
<AttackOfTheCold> >,<
<w00t> my penis is as BIG as my ego, so yeah.
<w00t> ...
<w00t> I really need to STFU.
<Beer> lmao
<AttackOfTheCold> your ego must be tiny then
<AttackOfTheCold> lol
* w00t attacks AttackOfTheCold with a large rubber strapon

(obviously too small to use it as a weapon as

and not too long after again....

<Beer> i still think the quote of ib talking about his hardon was better
--> Ishamael ([email protected]) has joined #chatspike
--- w00t gives voice to Ishamael
<AttackOfTheCold> nice thing u added to the bottom
<w00t> hardons totally own
<w00t> though
<AttackOfTheCold> o.0
<w00t> ..
* w00t just shuts up