Below is a specifically selected quote.
[21:53:18] +Meh goes to hunt down the rogue Weetabix in his house
[21:55:42] @Kisrah points and laughs at Weetabix jumping on Surfer's head.
[21:56:35] +Meh returns triumphantly with Special K and a Crunchie
[21:56:47] [+Meh] THE BEAST IS SLAIN!
[21:57:09] [@Kisrah] You binned the old Weetabix didn't you?
[21:57:18] [+Meh] yeah :(
[21:57:31] [+Meh] That counts as slain in my book
[21:55:42] @Kisrah points and laughs at Weetabix jumping on Surfer's head.
[21:56:35] +Meh returns triumphantly with Special K and a Crunchie
[21:56:47] [+Meh] THE BEAST IS SLAIN!
[21:57:09] [@Kisrah] You binned the old Weetabix didn't you?
[21:57:18] [+Meh] yeah :(
[21:57:31] [+Meh] That counts as slain in my book