Below is a specifically selected quote.
--- w00t is now known as Monica
<Monica> really i felt brain up every day in pm
<Monica> sorry, had to put it this way ;P
<Ib3N> --- w00t is now known as Monica
<Ib3N> <Monica> really i felt brain up every day in pm
<Ib3N> ^ perv.
<Monica> $@upuj-
* Monica sabers IB3N. with a ugly weebl dvd
--- Monica is now known as w00t
<Ib3N> lol
<sexy_geek> is your sirname lewinsky?
--- Magnus is now known as Magnus|GuildWars
<Craig> 'Today on ChatSpike it was discovered that one of their users spent year of his time feeling up a Network Administrator.. We attempted to contact Brain for an interview and he declined to comment.. We contacted Craig and got all the details we needed....'
<w00t> sexy_geek: that was the point
<Ib3N> rofl
<sexy_geek> lol
<Heutink> lol
<Monica> really i felt brain up every day in pm
<Monica> sorry, had to put it this way ;P
<Ib3N> --- w00t is now known as Monica
<Ib3N> <Monica> really i felt brain up every day in pm
<Ib3N> ^ perv.
<Monica> $@upuj-
* Monica sabers IB3N. with a ugly weebl dvd
--- Monica is now known as w00t
<Ib3N> lol
<sexy_geek> is your sirname lewinsky?
--- Magnus is now known as Magnus|GuildWars
<Craig> 'Today on ChatSpike it was discovered that one of their users spent year of his time feeling up a Network Administrator.. We attempted to contact Brain for an interview and he declined to comment.. We contacted Craig and got all the details we needed....'
<w00t> sexy_geek: that was the point
<Ib3N> rofl
<sexy_geek> lol
<Heutink> lol