Below is a specifically selected quote.
#685 (0)
Posted by Jujimufu @ 2005-10-16 11:23:08
* Om sets mode +spam w00t
(w00t) :O .O. O:
(w00t) :o o:
(w00t) :O O:
(Om) :o o:
* w00t prods Om with a sharpened sp0rk
* w00t prods Blue-water with a sharpened sp0rk
* w00t prods Surfer with a sharpened sp0rk
* w00t prods Lolya with a sharpened sp0rk
* w00t stabs w00t with a random monkey
* w00t sabers w00t with a menacing set of AOL discs
* Om wallops w00t continuously with a wet and mouldy Emerald-spotted Wood Dove
* w00t obliterates w00t with a moronic PHPv2 script
* w00t kung-fu's w00t with a dessicated Windows ME user guide
* Om baseball-bats w00t a few times with a slimy Common Zebra
* Om murders w00t many times against a bloody, disgusting Brown Surgeonfish