Below is a specifically selected quote.
#857 (4)
Posted by Star @ 2006-07-19 05:05:02
* Robly ([email protected]) has joined #banned
* ChanServ sets mode +b *!*@* for #banned
* Robly was kicked by ChanServ([email protected]) Reason (AKICK by Majic (User has been banned from the channel))
<Majic> :D
<Majic> That's just too much fun. :D
<Star> hahaha
<Majic> :D
<Star> he'll come back too
<Star> and then go "DOUBLE U TEE EFF?!"
<Majic> ahaha
* Majic sets mode -b *!*@* for #banned
<Majic> :D
* Majic sets mode +h Star for #banned
<Star> :D
* Robly ([email protected]) has joined #banned
* ChanServ sets mode +b *!*@* for #banned
* Robly was kicked by ChanServ([email protected]) Reason (AKICK by Majic (die, bots die!))