Below are all the quotes submitted to the website.
<Elphaba> I haven't cybered with a single op
<Togy> that was a classic pic ;)
<Togy> what about a network admin elpha?
<Elphaba> nope
<Ib> Elphaba, not even brain?
<Togy> that was a classic pic ;)
<Togy> what about a network admin elpha?
<Elphaba> nope
<Ib> Elphaba, not even brain?
* Hart smacks xevix
<xevix> OW!
<xevix> wow, you're hartless....
<xevix> OW!
<xevix> wow, you're hartless....
[20:37] * Kaiganeru has joined #chatspike
[20:37] <Kaiganeru> I need an irc cop please.
[20:38] <Kaiganeru> quite badly.
[20:38] <Beer> what for kaiganeru?
[20:38] <Kaiganeru> For abuse :(
[20:37] <Kaiganeru> I need an irc cop please.
[20:38] <Kaiganeru> quite badly.
[20:38] <Beer> what for kaiganeru?
[20:38] <Kaiganeru> For abuse :(
<Beer> also 1 =0.003875
<Craig-Away> Hex?
<Craig-Away> nah
<Craig-Away> that cant be right
<Beer> no.. fixed point word ;)
<Craig-Away> aah
<Craig-Away> :P
<Beer> 16-bit word even
<cab86> heh
<Beer> point being in the middle
<Craig-Away> 1=1 in hex
<Craig-Away> lol
<Craig-Away> Hex?
<Craig-Away> nah
<Craig-Away> that cant be right
<Beer> no.. fixed point word ;)
<Craig-Away> aah
<Craig-Away> :P
<Beer> 16-bit word even
<cab86> heh
<Beer> point being in the middle
<Craig-Away> 1=1 in hex
<Craig-Away> lol
[14:19] <Lay-Z> Guygeboe so your stupid,ugly?
[14:19] <Heutink> it is ;)
[14:19] <Guygeboe> naah
[14:19] <Guygeboe> not stupid
[14:19] <Guygeboe> just ugly ^^
[14:19] <Heutink> it is ;)
[14:19] <Guygeboe> naah
[14:19] <Guygeboe> not stupid
[14:19] <Guygeboe> just ugly ^^
Olli the Botkiller Pt.1
<SirOlli> !roll 1000000d100
<Wolle[home]> SirOlli rolled 1000000d100 --> [ 1000000d100=50452031 ]{50452031}
<SirOlli> !roll 1000000000000000d100000000
<Wolle[home]> SirOlli rolled 1000000000000000d100000000 --> error: dice operands must be >= 1
<SirOlli> !roll 10000000000000d100000000
<[2P]Don_Hippy> !roll 1
<[2P]Don_Hippy> it has to be one!!!
<[2P]Don_Hippy> :P
<Wolle> !roll 1d20
<Wolle> hmm.. roller crashed ?
<[BR]mistress> !roll 1d100
<[2P]Don_Hippy> looks so
<Wolle> YOU MOFOs
<[2P]Don_Hippy> or he sill rolles on ollies reqeust
<SirOlli> hihi
<[BR]mistress> ^^
<Cadarex> !roll 1d10
<Cadarex> he really broke it
<[BR]mistress> you bastard! you killed.. um.. rollbot! :D
<[BR]mistress> wrfel ;)
* [BR]mistress is listening
* Wolle[home] has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<SirOlli> !roll 1000000d100
<Wolle[home]> SirOlli rolled 1000000d100 --> [ 1000000d100=50452031 ]{50452031}
<SirOlli> !roll 1000000000000000d100000000
<Wolle[home]> SirOlli rolled 1000000000000000d100000000 --> error: dice operands must be >= 1
<SirOlli> !roll 10000000000000d100000000
<[2P]Don_Hippy> !roll 1
<[2P]Don_Hippy> it has to be one!!!
<[2P]Don_Hippy> :P
<Wolle> !roll 1d20
<Wolle> hmm.. roller crashed ?
<[BR]mistress> !roll 1d100
<[2P]Don_Hippy> looks so
<Wolle> YOU MOFOs
<[2P]Don_Hippy> or he sill rolles on ollies reqeust
<SirOlli> hihi
<[BR]mistress> ^^
<Cadarex> !roll 1d10
<Cadarex> he really broke it
<[BR]mistress> you bastard! you killed.. um.. rollbot! :D
<[BR]mistress> wrfel ;)
* [BR]mistress is listening
* Wolle[home] has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
Botkiller Pt.2
<[BR]mistress> you see, it's dead now!
* Wolle[home] has joined #brigade
* Brigadier sets mode: +v Wolle[home]
<SirOlli> !roll 10000000000000d100000000
<[BR]mistress> aww. he's back
<SirOlli> muahahaha
<[BR]mistress> no!
<SirOlli> sorry
<Wolle> !roll 1d20
<Wolle> SirOlli: do it once again.. and i'll ban you !
* Wolle[home] has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Wolle[home] has joined #brigade
* Brigadier sets mode: +v Wolle[home]
<SirOlli> hm
<SirOlli> tempting
<[BR]mistress> you see, it's dead now!
* Wolle[home] has joined #brigade
* Brigadier sets mode: +v Wolle[home]
<SirOlli> !roll 10000000000000d100000000
<[BR]mistress> aww. he's back
<SirOlli> muahahaha
<[BR]mistress> no!
<SirOlli> sorry
<Wolle> !roll 1d20
<Wolle> SirOlli: do it once again.. and i'll ban you !
* Wolle[home] has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Wolle[home] has joined #brigade
* Brigadier sets mode: +v Wolle[home]
<SirOlli> hm
<SirOlli> tempting
<Managore> Heh.. All I ever drink is cock and fanta.
<Managore> FUCK
<Apocalypse> !!!ROFLMAO!!! ..Freudian slip eh??
<Managore> NO
<Managore> FUCK
<Managore> SHIT
<Managore> FUCK
<Managore> FUCK
<Managore> FUCK
<Apocalypse> !!!ROFLMAO!!! ..Freudian slip eh??
<Managore> NO
<Managore> FUCK
<Managore> SHIT
<Managore> FUCK
<Managore> FUCK
<Ib> hehehehe... I killed the convo.. ;D
<Brain> you didnt just kill it
<Brain> you dug up its corpse, chopped it into bits, ate them, puked them up and laughed and put it in a wheelie bin
<Ib> /kill convo DIE!!!!
<Ib> --- convo :No such nick/channel
<[OPA]Garak> and then you burped
<Ib> :/
* convo has joined #chatspike
<Brain> go on ib
<Brain> :P
<Brain> you know you want to
* Elphaba slaps convo around
* convo has quit IRC (Killed (Ib (AHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!)))
<Elphaba> hahah
<[OPA]Garak> :|
<SirOlli> lol
<Brain> Ib killed the convo!!! :O
<Ib> \o/
<Elphaba> at least I got to abuse it first
<Brain> you didnt just kill it
<Brain> you dug up its corpse, chopped it into bits, ate them, puked them up and laughed and put it in a wheelie bin
<Ib> /kill convo DIE!!!!
<Ib> --- convo :No such nick/channel
<[OPA]Garak> and then you burped
<Ib> :/
* convo has joined #chatspike
<Brain> go on ib
<Brain> :P
<Brain> you know you want to
* Elphaba slaps convo around
* convo has quit IRC (Killed (Ib (AHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!)))
<Elphaba> hahah
<[OPA]Garak> :|
<SirOlli> lol
<Brain> Ib killed the convo!!! :O
<Ib> \o/
<Elphaba> at least I got to abuse it first
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Whatever that was...
* Scroll^aw has joined #chatspike
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Whatever that was...