Below are all the quotes submitted to the website.
#321 (1)
Posted by Olli @ 2004-11-19 20:09:16
Ib wonders if briks bf approves of her long hours on irc?
* brik don't have enough time for a bf cause of her long hours on irc :p
<DarkLiege> lol
<Ib> ah.. hehe
<DarkLiege> spoken like a true geek
* Ib just assumed
#322 (1)
Posted by Olli @ 2004-11-19 20:13:38
<DM|shwr> give me vowels or give me death
<Togy> meh, you've got bowels, thats close enough
* SirOlli gvs DM lt f dth
<DM|shwr> :D
<Ib> ..
<Ib> on the bottle SirOlli ?
* DM|shwr pks b n th stmch
<SirOlli> I tried to give him a lot of death without any vowels ;)
<SirOlli> lol
* DM|shwr wvs nd lvs fr th shwr
<DM|shwr> shld wrt scrpt bt ths
#323 (-1)
Posted by KingMatthew @ 2004-11-20 00:05:15
[01:01] * SgtBashCom has joined #tigercage
[01:01] * ChanServ sets mode: +oq SgtBashCom SgtBashCom
[01:01] * KingMatthew sets mode: +v SgtBashCom
[01:02] <KingMatthew> o_O Sgt, at this time? did your parents die? :S
[01:02] <SgtBashCom> smth like that
[01:02] <SgtBashCom> anyway
[01:02] <SgtBashCom> I'm off to bed
[01:02] <SgtBashCom> have to be awake in 8 hours
[01:02] <KingMatthew> LOL
[01:02] * SgtBashCom has quit IRC ([CS] Quit: )
#324 (-2)
Posted by Fin @ 2004-11-22 20:52:06
--> Vivi ([email protected]) has joined #chatspike
<@Beer> wb vivi
<Vivi> tyvm =)
<+Herbstwind> acronyms are so cewl
#325 (2)
Posted by Ishamael @ 2004-11-22 22:41:55
[23:38:08] * Ish|aweh thinks ppl which have nicks starting with a C have problems
[23:38:39] <Chronus> that is generalisation
[23:38:42] <Cracker> Cishamael would sound stupid btw
[23:38:43] <Chronus> discrimination
[23:38:52] <Ish|aweh> omg Cracker
[23:39:02] <Ish|aweh> I thought of saying "and Cishamael wouldn't be funny"
[23:39:11] <Ish|aweh> but I thought that would be too lame
[23:39:13] <Chronus> lol
[23:39:13] <Ish|aweh> :P
[23:39:14] * Cracker goes shooting myself
[23:39:28] <Ish|aweh> and yes Chronus :P
[23:39:36] <Ish|aweh> that would be generalisation
[23:39:36] <Cracker> I made a joke even Ish considered to be too low
#326 (2)
Posted by john @ 2004-11-23 23:02:41
<JediIgor> Yeah Mech, and who do you think visits IGN? Stupid, lazy, and dumb people
<@Dave> you visited IGN
#327 (0)
Posted by Om @ 2004-11-23 23:13:46
(JediIgor) Wow now you're just arguing about technicalities

Yet lo and behold what he said before:

(JediIgor) For the entire duration of this chat I have not been talking, I have been typing on a keyboard, get your terms together
#328 (5)
Posted by john @ 2004-11-23 23:17:58
<Stormscape> Arguing on the internet is like trying to stop a train with a toad.
* TechnoThaums ([email protected]) has joined #ElderScrolls
<@Dave> how hard are you throwing the toad at the train?
<TechnoThaums> Now there's a sentence to come in on.
#329 (0)
Posted by Om @ 2004-11-23 23:20:33
JediIgor has just been arguing.....extensively:

(JediIgor) Geez, is anyone older than 18 here

Yet, a little log searching found this:

(DarkMouse) How old are you JediIgor
(JediIgor) 17
#330 (1)
Posted by Olli @ 2004-11-24 18:19:17
<[BR]mistress> mina ei ole objektiivne, sest pole peaaegu htegi naist, kes oleks kigega enda juures rahul :P
* [BR]mistress kakleb snnipev vol.1 piltidega
<[BR]mistress> Awe!
<[BR]mistress> no on tp, keelab oma saba sikutada ja kaob jlle ^^
<Aweron> :P
<Aweron> mul ple seda linki siin :)
<[BR]mistress> hmh..
<[BR]mistress> kust sa selle ldse said? ma kodukalt ei leidnud :/
<[BR]mistress> aga ega ma muidugi eriti ei otsinud ka, ma arvasin, et saan sinult selle rutem..
<[BR]mistress> oh mind naiivitari :P
<SirOlli> aga kust ple keelab siktada koigega vaatajast
<Aweron> hah :D
<[BR]mistress> :D
<Aweron> niceohn olli
<SirOlli> what did I just say?
<Aweron> it _allmost_ made sence :D
<[BR]mistress> but it seems that you copy-pasted smth Awe had said.. there was a strange typo ^^
<Aweron> but where not forbits drag from viever with all
<Aweron> :P
<SirOlli> I just picked various words from your convo and aligned them