Below are all the quotes submitted to the website.
#511 (3)
Posted by ^MeM^ @ 2005-04-08 19:10:25
Just another day in #chatspike.

<+^MeM^|Offline> Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
<+Peng> Oscar Mike Golf
<+Om> Whiskey Alpha Lima Romeo Uniform Sierra
<+Peng> Sierra Tango Foxtrot Uniform
<+Om> Foxtrot Uniform
<+^MeM^> Whiskey Alpha November Kilo Echo Romeo Sierra
<RD> Foxtrot Umbro Gamma Kilo Oblong Foxtrot Foxtrot
<@Brain> S.T.O.P.K.T.H.X.B.Y.E.
<@Brain> i couldnt be bothered to phonetic alphabet all of that :/
#512 (3)
Posted by Peng @ 2005-04-10 00:03:29
%Jesus hits Peng with a truck.
(%Ordie) Good job Jesus
(%Jesus) Jesus saves!
@Peng crucifies Jesus
(%Jesus) Ohhh. Winamp died when you crucified me.
(%Ordie) Wait three days...
#513 (4)
Posted by w00t @ 2005-04-10 07:36:55
[16:37:08] <Chu> :)?
[16:37:08] <+Sporks> yeah... smirk you little bastard
[16:37:11] <Chu> :(?
[16:37:12] <+Sporks> CHEER UP, IDIOT.
[16:37:18] <w00t> :D?
[16:37:18] * +Sporks stabs luigiman
[16:37:25] <Chu> :P?
[16:37:26] * +Sporks stabs luigiman
[16:37:29] <Chu> :\?
[16:37:29] * +Sporks stabs luigiman
[16:37:32] <Chu> :\?
[16:37:32] * +Sporks stabs luigiman
[16:37:32] <w00t> luigiman: it doesnt seem to like you :D
[16:37:35] <+luigiman> SPORKS IS AGAINST ME! :(
#514 (2)
Posted by Killertv @ 2005-04-11 00:13:31
+(Nordinary) is this a morrowind chat site or a freeform chat site? 'cuz so far, i've seen about two lines about Morrowind
%(KillerTV) freeform
+(Meh) There is such a thing as free speech :/
%(KillerTV) NO
%(KillerTV) NOW STFU
+(Nordinary) then why, why, WHY are there F***ing morrowind symbols all over the F***ing page!!??!!??
+(Nordinary) !!!!!!!!!!
+(Nordinary) !!!!!!!!!1
+(Nordinary) !!!!!!!1
+(Nordinary) !!!!!!!!!
+(Nordinary) !!!!!1
+(Meh) [nazi german accent] YOU VILL TALK ABOOUT MORROVIND!!! [/nazi german accent]
Joins: coco [[email protected]]
ChanMode: ChanServ sets mode [+v coco]
! +Meh salutes o/
@(Peng) Hi coco :D
Quits: Nordinary [[email protected]] ([CS] Quit: Down with PJIRC, down I say! ;p)
+(Meh) Ah, good
@(Peng) who the fuck is he?
+(coco) hi :)
+(Meh) Dunno, I'm glad he left though
@(Nocturnal^Beans) yeah
@(Nocturnal^Beans) don't want no weird people in here
@(Peng) shush you :P
#515 (0)
Posted by Om @ 2005-04-11 11:27:18
(Blackic3) Ib3N, since your here. why dosent you replay to my privat messege to you :\
(@Ib3N) Blackic3, he?
- (DM|school) sets (#chatspike +v Blackic3)
(@Ib3N) why doesnt I replay to your private messege to me?
(+Blackic3) yes. when i PM you. you never replay :\
(@Ib3N) oh
(@Ib3N) Im probably afk then
#516 (3)
Posted by Om @ 2005-04-12 10:58:24
(%John) Pfft. PDF is kind of like anal sex. No matter what you use it on, it's still going to be a shitty experience.
#517 (0)
Posted by Pete @ 2005-04-14 21:45:01
<@Pete> Woo.. Go UK
<@Pete> Over half of our population have never even heard of CAP
<+Meh> CAP..isn't that an advertising thingy?
<+Meh> legislation over advertising etc
* @Pete cries
<@Pete> No, it has nothing to do with advertising


For all you unenlightened, CAP stands for Common Agricultural Policy :p
#518 (4)
Posted by w00t @ 2005-04-15 00:59:47
[09:59:40] <@luigiman> I am still waiting on the m_spy module.
[09:59:48] <@luigiman> I want to spy on the channels. :P
[09:59:51] * @Chu spies on w00t.
[10:00:04] <@w00t> Chu: there wouldnt be much to see, apart from my secret lovenotes to Craig
[10:00:09] <@Chu> OOh.
[10:00:12] <@w00t> oh
[10:00:13] <@w00t> damn
[10:00:17] <@w00t> the secret's out
[10:00:41] <@Chu> "Dear Craigy, I pine for you. Wubble, w00t. PS: Pizza @ 8. Coming? ;)"
[10:06:05] <@Chu> "Dear Craigy-poo, why weren't you here @ 8? I WAITED FOR A WEEK FOR YOU! :'( Forever wubble, w00t. PS: The pizza's still here, if you want it. :'("
[10:06:33] <@Brain> lol
[10:06:40] <@Brain> thats so disturbing
[10:07:02] <@Chu> "PPS: And bring that brain fellow along. ;)"
#519 (1)
Posted by cocolmao @ 2005-04-16 14:16:18
[08:15] <John> Anyone know how to flash a firmware drive?
[08:15] <Omni> Well, first, take off your pants..
#520 (0)
Posted by Jason @ 2005-04-16 20:28:54
[14:28:58] <@Brain> lo Craig :p
[14:29:27] <@Craig> WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!
[14:29:28] <@Craig> :p
[14:29:33] <@Jason> hahahaha
[14:30:31] <@Brain> craig, i am your... no wait, wrong movie
[14:30:46] <@Craig> movie? :/
[14:30:53] <@Brain> yup
[14:30:56] <@Brain> its like film
[14:31:02] <@Brain> but more people understand you if you say it
[14:31:02] <@Brain> :p
[14:31:03] <@Craig> my father MY ASS
[14:31:04] <@Craig> :p
[14:31:13] <@Brain> i'm not your ass! :/
[14:31:14] <@Craig> wait, that sounds wrong
[14:31:15] <@Craig> :/
[14:31:29] <@Jason> yes it does
[14:31:33] <@Jason> but it also sounds quoted
[14:31:38] <@Brain> lol