Below are all the quotes submitted to the website.
#601 (0)
Posted by DarkLiege @ 2005-07-09 03:13:18
* SirOlli returns from Italy-Away after 5 days Italy => IT'S JULY!
<SirOlli> nighty night
* Quits: SirOlli ([email protected]) ([CS] Quit: Know this one? Two Americans, a German and a Canadian are sitting outside of a pizzeria in Tivoli/Italy)

We missed you Olli :)
#602 (1)
Posted by Brain @ 2005-07-09 22:12:34
[21:48] <cab86|away> :/ my left wrist hurts
[21:49] <cab86|away> i'm not used to the positions...

...Looks like cab has been at the porn again...
#603 (1)
Posted by w00t @ 2005-07-11 01:26:56
[08:51:44] * Topic is 'Welcome to ChatSpike! || Channel Rules: || No support for DEFENDER or WINBOT here. Go to their channels for help || All hail your new overlol^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hhelper, w00t....'

I thought it was worth submitting :P.
("Overlord" suits me fine btw ;))
#604 (4)
Posted by Om @ 2005-07-11 22:29:36
*Peng|Gone 'Rawr's
(@Peng|Gone) (dangerously)
(%Ordie) :O
*Ordie fears
(%Ordie) (cowardly)
*Peng|Gone nods
(@Peng|Gone) (sagely)
*Ordie bows
(%Ordie) (galantly)
- (Omni|AFK) is now known as (Omni).
*Peng|Gone clubs
(@Peng|Gone) (clubbingly)
(@Peng|Gone) :/
*Ordie yawns
(%Ordie) (ultimately)
(@Peng|Gone) :/
*Peng|Gone leaves
(%Ordie) leavingly?
(@Peng|Gone) (quickly)
(%Ordie) Ah
#605 (1)
Posted by cocolmao @ 2005-07-12 01:05:33
[16:57] <Howie> its like hurt on the inside.
[16:57] <Archy`> I think he was on about your penis
[16:57] <cracklemonkey> Yes it does hurt on the inside
[16:58] * coco thinks Howie and cracklemonkey shouldn't put things inside if it hurts
[16:58] <cracklemonkey> But I have no other pleasure
[16:58] <Howie> lol.
[16:58] <coco> lol
[16:58] <Howie> Peng giggles and nods.
#606 (-2)
Posted by Rigo @ 2005-07-15 02:18:19
[21:09] * SporkfireDDO ([email protected]) Quit (User has been banned from ChatSpike (You are banned from this network (Exceeding session limit)))
[21:09] * Sporkfire ([email protected]) Quit (User has been banned from ChatSpike (You are banned from this network (Exceeding session limit)))
[21:09] * EckelberryDDO ([email protected]) Quit (User has been banned from ChatSpike (You are banned from this network (Exceeding session limit)))
[21:09] * Ken ([email protected]) Quit (User has been banned from ChatSpike (You are banned from this network (Exceeding session limit)))
[21:09] * JustinQuimby ([email protected]) Quit (User has been banned from ChatSpike (You are banned from this network (Exceeding session limit)))
#607 (0)
Posted by Olli @ 2005-07-18 19:43:18
bbdude goes on about how he hates microsoft because of some stupid non-reasons...

<SirOlli> I think you're one of those ppl that hate microsoft because lots of other stupid ppl say "microsoft is evil, bill gates is the incarnation of satan and linux is the only good os and should be used by everyone just because I say so and have no glimpse of reality and don't realize that its too complicated to maintain for most non-professionals everyday use"
<bbdude> sirolli, you know whats sad
<bbdude> i think you're right :/
#608 (-1)
Posted by Olli @ 2005-07-18 20:12:57
<Brain> at last, i can irc while i take a CRAP
#609 (1)
Posted by w00t @ 2005-07-19 00:35:34
[09:38:13] * w00t changes topic to 'IT BE HARRY POTTER. | How's 7 going to end? I say Harry and voldemort get it on.'
[09:38:22] <@w00t> :P
[09:39:00] <Samas> Only for 3 chapters.
[09:39:08] <@w00t> &_&
#610 (1)
Posted by w00t @ 2005-07-19 06:08:59
[15:11:48] * %w00t qlines Craig
[15:12:10] * @Craig ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:12:15] <%w00t> WOO
[15:12:17] <%w00t> VICTORY!!!11

(for those who don't know, a qline is a kind of server ban)