Below are all the quotes submitted to the website.
#611 (2)
Posted by FrostyCoolSlug @ 2005-07-20 23:17:11
[21:57] <Brain> oh ffs
[21:57] <Brain> i just akilled myself
#612 (2)
Posted by Loki @ 2005-07-21 03:04:19
<Stormscape> I will do the German dance for you. It's fun and gay and tra-la-la. I hope you will enjoy my dance. Fiddly-ai Fiddly-ai-ay!
* Stormscape dances
<w00t> O_O
<w00t> that's gayer than... uhm
<w00t> sesame street crossed with hi5.
<Stormscape> NOTHING
<Stormscape> is gayer
<Stormscape> then that
<[BRC]Odin> lol
<Stormscape> not even Richard simmons
* Stormscape has 64 hours of Haus Music
<[BRC]Odin> wait what about Richard simmons living with the gay guys on sesame street, bert adn ernie
<Stormscape> :o
<Stormscape> that is the gayest thing on Earth
<w00t> THATS SO GAY :(
* w00t turns gay just thinking about it
<[BRC]Odin> lol
* w00t sidles over to Craig
<w00t> _
<Stormscape> LOL
* [BRC]Odin stays away from w00t
* w00t grabs Craig's joystick and runs
#613 (1)
Posted by Odin @ 2005-07-21 03:22:03
<[BRC]Odin> i think this new w00t 1 is better than the #3 1
<w00t> [BRC]Odin?
<w00t> heh
<w00t> that one was out of context :(
<w00t> and this one was me opening my big bloody mouth.
<w00t> oh god :|
<w00t> that ...
* w00t runs
<[BRC]Odin> lol
<[BRC]Odin> getting ready to have something inserted in that mouth?
<w00t> <:|
* w00t hides behind Chu
<[BRC]Odin> lol tht wont be any better
<w00t> &_&
<w00t> Lunch bbs :|
<[BRC]Odin> atleast you wont be on the recieving end if behind him
<w00t> ...maybe...
<[BRC]Odin> lol
<w00t> :P
* w00t is now known as Lunchw00t
the new one is #635 and the #3 one is #618
#614 (1)
Posted by w00t @ 2005-07-21 07:18:38
[16:21:56] <+demeteloaf> :(
#615 (1)
Posted by bbdude @ 2005-07-21 19:15:20
<arnie> the other week i was invited to this party by this chick called zoe, and i coulda got laid but i passed it up to go see star wars with my dad
#616 (1)
Posted by ScrollLock @ 2005-07-21 19:42:40
[20:42:56]<+bbdude> WE LOVE YOU SCROLLLOCK
[20:43:14]<%ScrollLock> i know. i know. :)

Finally some acknowledgement! :D
#617 (3)
Posted by Om @ 2005-07-21 21:48:05
(@Om) Being the person doing the "Audio Describing" for something like American Pie would be...amusing
(@Kisrah) lmao!
(%Ordie) hahah
(%Ordie) He.. he's doing... well, you're better not knowing.
(@Om) haha
(@Kisrah) >:D
*Om imagines a load of people in a studio trying to record for 10 secs without cracking up
(@Kisrah) Yeah
(%Ordie) lol
(@Kisrah) I was just thinking that myself.
(@Kisrah) That would be HELL
(@Om) Damn funny though :D
#618 (4)
Posted by Loki @ 2005-07-22 11:52:36
* Joins: AngryMutantPenguin
* w00t[afk] sets mode: +v AngryMutantPenguin
<w00t[afk]> hey AMP
<Stormscape> OMG
<Stormscape> it's a mutant penguin
<Stormscape> who is angry :D
<w00t[afk]> better said as
<w00t[afk]> omg
<w00t[afk]> its a penguin
<w00t[afk]> who's angry
<w00t[afk]> and mutant!
<AMP> yeah
<Hmzaniac> i doubt it.
<Hmzaniac> i think he's just wearing a costume.
<w00t[afk]> :(
<AMP> i'd invite you to try it out, but the last man who did went home with serious burns
<w00t[afk]> AngryMutantPenguin, is this true?
<w00t[afk]> are you masquerading as a penguin
<w00t[afk]> who's angry
<AMP> not at all
<w00t[afk]> and mutant!
<w00t[afk]> :)
<w00t[afk]> thats ok then
<w00t[afk]> so long as you're not lying!
<Hmzaniac> suuure.
<AMP> of course not
<Pete> I can vouch for the angry mutantness of this penguin
* Hmzaniac throws his magic tux at AMP
<w00t[afk]> Pete, heh
* w00t[afk] catches tux
* w00t[afk] burns it
* w00t[afk] launches a BSD pitchfork at Hmzaniac's head
<AMP> the helper said so, it must be true
<w00t[afk]> Pete, hmm, who can vouch for you?
<Pete> Exactly
<AMP> tux is a distant relative of mine, no hurting my family
<Pete> Uhm
---1 minute passes---
<Pete> Beans will vouch for me
<Pete> Or Om
---2 more minutes pass---
<Peng> Leave the penguins alone :(
#619 (4)
Posted by Brain @ 2005-07-23 18:44:20
13:44 <+Brain> you know i should start a website,
13:44 <+Dancerwatcher> well hopefully I start losing weight there too :P
13:44 <+Brain> people who think their breasts are too big can sell their breast tissue to people who think theirs are too small :p
13:44 <+Brain> beats implants and everyones happy :p
13:44 <+Dancerwatcher> ewww
#620 (5)
Posted by Loki @ 2005-07-24 00:57:12
<Stormscape> "oh sweet monkey jesus!"
<mermaid|NOTafk> monkeys have their own jesus?
<Brain> yes
<Brain> he was born a monkey and died a monkey
<Brain> crucified by other monkeys for being too monkeylike
<Pete|WoW> Not suggesting that the monkeys were nice to bananas for a change, or some other pacifist notion?
* Joins: Calamari ([email protected])
* ChanServ sets mode: +v Calamari
<Odin> i thought he was crucified b/c he threw rap at he alpha male for robbing the other moneys of theiur hard earned bananas?
<Odin> *crap
<mermaid|NOTafk> uh
* mermaid|NOTafk wonders why she was never taught this before
* Quits: Colonel[AFK] ([email protected] ) ( [ CS ] Quit: )
<elyas> it's a conspiracy to eradicate our long lost monkey heritage
* mermaid|NOTafk pines
<homer> 18:50 <%Odin> i thought he was crucified b/c he threw rap at he alpha male for robbing the other moneys of theiur hard earned bananas?
<elyas> in truth, those monkeys that crucified monkey jesus later turned into humans
<homer> that's what you get for thinking
<elyas> and his followers as a sign of protest stayed as normal monkeys
<elyas> and they watched the human civilization grow and slowly destroy the world, not following monkeyjesus's guide